South Sudan’s economy dropped since the beginning of catastrophe; it really melts hearts.
South Sudan is one of the most oil-dependent country in the world, with oil accounting for almost the totality of exports, and more than 40% of its gross domestic product (GDP). The country’s GDP per capita was recorded at $18.43B in 2013, and because of war it dropped and recorded low at $1B in 2019, according to world bank economic data on South Sudan. Supplemented by economic mismanagement, many years of conflict have battered the productive capacity of the country.
Life Gets Hard
Lack of employment opportunities at moment is leading the newest nation’s ordinary citizens into low life, interminable hustling, and poor living condition. By looking at current situation, the economic adversity in South Sudan is incomprehensible and uncontrollable at this fragile period. The daily survival, the life of ordinary citizens began to be harder than before, and extreme difficulty to access basic services across the country. But how did we fall in economic hardship, so quickly? Simply because of conflict—as short as that. Globally, any country which had gone through sequences of wars and decades of unrests had never been stable—economically. South Sudan follows the same flatter. This war had dawdled the country’s progress, both economically and developmentally. And to overcome these challenges and move forward, we need to ensure sustainability of peace and security in the country and tackle these economic woes.
More Imports Than Exports
Because South Sudan is landlocked country, all the goods and commodities products are imported from neighboring countries and the high taxes or tariffs plus expensive cost of transports are deplorable. Indeed, not solitary that, the buying prices are high—as aftermath, the selling prices would perchance be high-pitched compared to previous price which later bring unsolvable complaints from consumers over hiking prices. Traders are setting items prices as they want and decide to ramble prices at their comfort paradise. Nonetheless, government should set a market price, production levels, exploitation and densely monitor its implementation. Traders can’t just champ in the market and operate freely without regulated rules. Roughly 80% of goods are being imported from neighboring countries. We shouldn’t entertain importing goods—even product that could be produced locally. The mode of importing goods from outside country is available everywhere, but to sustain economy, local businesses should be empowered. Government should invest in an agricultural schemes, businesses, and industrial projects as well as utilization of resources accrued from revenues. And to achieve these, we must first accept peace and stability so that these shortcomings are overcome.
Youths should be supported and empowered to create job opportunities, engage in entrepreneurship and other way of incomes. The economic hardship will dramatically improve, but this might take some time. As youths, let’s take a lead in this!
The whim that South Sudanese citizens are hands-folded and does not like to work are untrue philosophies. The youths are hardworking and have sound mind, but current situation does not allow them to do so. Yet, they’ll never give up, they’ll work extraordinary to improve economy.